Python program

# /* [  <!-- */ include  <stdio.h> /*   \
"true" if 0 != 0 and  q != """0"  ;  `  \
if [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then            \
    echo exec  echo I\'m a zsh script.; \
elif [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then          \
    echo exec  echo I\'m a bash script.; \
else  \
    echo exec  echo  I\'m  a sh  script.;    \
fi`;  #!;#\
BEGIN{print"I'm a ", 0 ? "Ruby"  :"Perl",  " program.\n";  exit; }

set =dummy 0; puts [list "I'm"  "a"  "tcl"  "script."]; exit

all: ; @echo "I'm a Makefile."           \
/*: */ enum {a, b};             \
static int c99(void) {

 #ifndef __cplusplus /* bah */

unused1: if ((enum {b, a})0)            \

unused2:    return a;       \
}  \
static int trigraphs(void) {            \
    return sizeof  "??!"  ==  2;     \
}  \
char X;                 \
int main(void) {               \
    struct X  {         \
       char  a[2];      \
    if (sizeof(X)  !=  1) {       \
printf("I'm a C++ program (trigraphs %sabled).\n",          \
     trigraphs()  ? "en"  : "dis");\
}else if (1//**/2

)unused3 : { ; \
        printf("I'm a C program (C%s, trigraphs %sabled).\n", \
               c99() ? "89 with // comments" : "99", \
               trigraphs() ? "en" : "dis"); \
    } else { \
        printf("I'm a C program (C89, trigraphs %sabled).\n", \
               trigraphs() ? "en" : "dis"); \
    } \
    return 0; \
} /*
 # \
import Prelude hiding ((:)); import Data.List (intercalate); import Language.Haskell.TH; import Data.String; default (S, String, Integer, Double); data S = S; instance Eq S where { _ == _ = False }; instance IsString S where { fromString = const S }; ifThenElse c t e = case c of True -> t; False -> e
cPP = False; {-
#define cPP True
-} main :: IO ()
main = putStr ("I'm a Literate Haskell program" ++ bonus ++ ".\n") where
  _ = (); bonus | null details = "" | otherwise = " (" ++ details ++ ")"
  details = intercalate ", " [ name | (True, name) <- extensions ] :: String
  extensions =
    (bangPatterns,              "BangPatterns"             ) :
    (templateHaskell,           "TemplateHaskell"          ) :
    (rebindableSyntax,          "RebindableSyntax"         ) :
    (magicHash,                 "MagicHash"                ) :
    (overloadedStrings,         "OverloadedStrings"        ) :
    (noMonomorphismRestriction, "NoMonomorphismRestriction") :
    (scopedTypeVariables,       "ScopedTypeVariables"      ) :
    (cPP,                       "CPP"                      ) :
    (unicodeSyntax,             "UnicodeSyntax"            ) :
    (negativeLiterals,          "NegativeLiterals"         ) :
    (binaryLiterals,            "BinaryLiterals"           ) :
    (numDecimals,               "NumDecimals"              ) : []
  (!) = (!!)
  bangPatterns = [True] ! 0 where foo !bar = False
  templateHaskell = thc $(return (TupE []) :: ExpQ)
  rebindableSyntax = null (do { [()]; [()] })
    where _ >> _ = [] :: [()]
  magicHash = foo# () where
    foo = ['.']; "." # _  = False; foo# _ = True
  overloadedStrings = "" /= ""
  noMonomorphismRestriction = show foo == "0" where
    foo = 0
    bar = foo :: Double
  unicodeSyntax = let (?) = True in (*) where
    (*) = False
  negativeLiterals = -1 == NNa
  binaryLiterals = let b1 = 1 in 0b1 == 1
  numDecimals = show 0e0 == "0"
  scopedTypeVariables = stv (0 :: Double) == "0.0"
data{- = -} NN = NNa | NNb deriving Eq; instance Num NN where { fromInteger _ = NNa; negate _ = NNb; _ + _ = NNa; _ * _ = NNa; abs _ = NNa; signum _ = NNa }
instance{- = -} (Num a) => Num (e -> a) where { fromInteger = const . fromInteger; negate = (.) negate; abs = (.) abs; signum = (.) signum; x + y = \e -> x e + y e; x * y = \e -> x e * y e }
class THC a where { thc :: a -> Bool }; instance THC () where { thc _ = True }; instance THC (Q a) where { thc _ = False }; class (Show a, Num a) => STV a where
  stv :: a -> String
  stv = const $ show (f 0) where
    f = id :: a -> a
instance STV Double -- : \

 # \
]>++++++++[<+++++++++>-]<+.>>++++[<++++++++++>-]<-.[-]>++++++++++ \
[<+++++++++++>-]<-.>>++++[<++++++++>-]<.>>++++++++++[<++++++++++> \
-]<- - -.<.>+.->>++++++++++[<+++++++++++>-]<++++.<.>>>++++++++++[ \
<++++++++++>-]<+++++.<<<<+.->>>>- - -.<+++.- - -<++.- ->>>>>+++++ \
+++++[<+++++++++++>-]<- - -.<<<<<.<+++.>>>.<<<-.- ->>>>+.<.<.<<.> \
++++++++++++++.[-]++++++++++""" else 0
 # \
from platform import * # \
print("I'm a Python program (%s %s)." % # [-][ \
(python_implementation(), python_version())); """--><html><head>
<!--:--><title>I'm a HTML page</title></head><body>
<!--:--><h1>I'm a <marquee><blink>horrible HTML</blink></marquee> page</h1>
<!--:--><script language="JavaScript">
<!--: # \
setTimeout( // \
   function () { // \
      document.body.innerHTML = "<h1>I'm a javascript-generated HTML page</h1>"; // \
   }, 10000); // \
</script><!--: \
</body></html><!-- }} # \
say "I'm a Perl6 program."; # """ # */
 #define FOO ]-->~
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